1.This pattern is often reapplied several times through a rule as you dig down through an abstract syntax tree.
2.If you were to dig down about 2. 2 miles, you might encounter Halicephalobus mephisto ( "Mephisto" ) and its other nematode relatives.
3.People would not dig down for such a performance.
4.If you avoid non-local links and dig down only into local Web pages, you provide a Web crawler for a single Web site, as shown in Listing 7.
5.We thought our last game was our best shot to get something here and just dig down and do it after the seven games (against the Hornets).
6.For safety, I avoid straying outside of the site, but instead simply dig down into a single Web page.
7.Don't "bury" essential information so that visitors have to dig down two or three levels to find it.
8.Plants are the true fairies that are forever working wonders around us. their roots dig down into the earth and gather its treasures.
9.I then dig down another level to identify some of the key aspects of Ceph to provide a more detailed exploration.
10.To make sense out of the first chart, you need to dig down to the actual article.